Creative Spotlight: Mind and Body

In light of the public health situation, we knew it was more important than ever to continue our Wellbeing Programme, and make our classes as accessible as possible. We mastered Zoom and moved our programme to the digital realm for all to enjoy. We are proud that these online classes have proven to be a welcomed respite for our regular attendees and opened the door to new ones.

We spoke to our tutors and attendees to discuss the benefits of dance fitness and yoga on mind, body and creativity.

What does yoga or dance fitness mean to you?

It means taking some me-time to dance like nobody’s watching, sing along to feel-good tunes and bust some moves. It’s exercise in disguise, working every muscle, burning calories, improving balance and coordination – it’s a complete workout in a lunchtime!
- Siobhain Archer, Dance Fit tutor

I believe that yoga is a form of medicine for our modern world and that it has the power to teach us far more than the physical body. Yoga means, to yoke, union, connection and it creates a beautiful space and container to allow us to discover further depths of ourselves, in a way that is meaningful and beautiful to each of us as an individual.

This connection could deepen our journey of life in a fuller and more exciting manner. To me this is magic. And open space to let our bodies move, breathe, discover and create within a non-judgmental manner. I have trained in a few different yoga disciplines and ultimately the core for me is the breath, strength (physical, but mental and emotional), integrity and our connection to spirit (soul and deeper aspects of who we are). Importantly through a combination of the essential ancient teachings and then modern applications, it has a way of maybe empowering our lives.

Yoga is much more than just a yoga mat, it is what we learn and allow us to move with us into our daily lives.
- Lana King, Yoga tutor

How can a healthy body contribute to a healthy mind?

To me, these two things are completely entwined. A healthy body that moves plenty and is fed well means better sleep, better mental energy and a generally happier state of mind.
- Siobhain Archer, Dance Fit tutor

[A] really great start to the day. I never normally have the time to attend morning classes due to commute - this is really valuable to me.Wellbeing class attendee

How does yoga or dance fitness benefit your wellbeing?

Dancing is so brilliant for the mind! I’ve lost count of how many participants have said to me ‘you’re keeping me sane’ during lockdown. There’s no time to think about anything except what your feet and arms are doing!
- Siobhain Archer, Dance Fit tutor

Yoga can benefit your wellbeing as it can offer a space for each individual to connect further with themselves. What they need. How they can encourage more balance and a wholeness to their individual way of living. One of my greatest ‘loves’ of yoga is that it is individual, not one being has the same history as another, physically, emotionally or mentally. And this is so so so exciting, it means we are on a unique journey and due to this to find our own wellbeing, we should seek answers for our own lives. Especially in terms of what makes us whole. The things that make us smile, feel good, feel balanced, healthy. It is about looking at life from numerous perspectives… to create a sense of wholeness and peace within, so we can walk through life from this place.
- Lana King, Yoga tutor

How can yoga or dance fitness benefit creativity?

I defy anyone to do a dance fitness class and not come out feeling buzzing with creative energy! There are so many moves and, although they build gradually, each dance style and track comes with new ways of moving to music. There’s so much going on in your body and your brain that you come out feeling refreshed and revived.
- Siobhain Archer, Dance Fit tutor

Read more about the benefits of fitness -

“Many people find that physical activity helps them maintain positive mental health”

“Many people hit the gym or pound the pavement to improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and of course, get a rockin’ bod, but working out has above-the-neck benefits, too”
13 mental health benefits of exercise, Huffpost

“The world’s largest study into the impact of arts prescriptions was launched”
What went right in 2019, Positive News

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