Pop Science

Science Showoff

Weston Studio

Need a bit more geek in your life but want to get a proper evening’s entertainment at the same time?

Geek comedian Steve Cross hosts some of Bath’s top science, comedy and performance talent in a night of clever chaotic cabaret. Come and see a lineup that will never be repeated, performing in ways you’ve never seen before.

From visualising sound to how we navigate space with our ears, join us for an exciting evening where science, comedy and art meet.

Witness a demonstration of the fascinating patterns of vibrating flat plates from University of Bath Physicist Alex Narduzzo and explore sound with Artist Rob Olins’ architectural sculptures.

Joined by Science Comedians Samantha Baines and Simon Watt, are entrepreneur and author Margaret Heffernan, and Co-founder of creative collaboration company Swarm; Dan Burgess.

Discover why frogs are the most endangered species, what makes great teams and how everything has its own special modes of vibration​.

Steve Cross, our compere, is the founder of Science Showoff along with Museums Showoff and Bright Club. He is a geek comedian, presenter and producer, travelling across the UK helping all sorts of intellectual types share their passions. He trains clever people to be funny, and has worked with academics, museum professionals, software engineers, architects and lawyers to make comedy part of their lives.

See more on youtube.

Want to get involved?

£10, £8 concs and UoB Staff, £6 UoB students

Not suitable for under 16s.

Hard science + stand-up = pure laughter